Structured PhD program with uncompromising support
from our team of mentors and advisors.
Our GSofLog offers the structured way of successfully achieving a PhD – implicating some essential benefits for our scholars. A close mentoring and support by our excellent team of experts and advisors, an offer of workshops as well as a specific dissertation topic you will work on individually. Our systematic and intensive mentoring usually leads to a successful graduation of our scholars within three to four years.
You can count on a continuous support while working on your PhD thesis by our experts with an excellent academic and practical background. In phases of scientific working and writing, an office place is provided at the logistics campus of the Technical University Dortmund. Evaluations, data collection and exchange with members of your project team take place on site of the company you cooperate with.
In the GSofLog you will be guided by a tandem-team (Professor and Post Doc). Furthermore, an exchange with your dissertation adviser will take place on a regular basis. As a member of the Dortmund network, you will have the opportunity to scholarly exchange experiences and share knowledge with other PhD students.
Did we arouse your interest?
Then just talk to us.
We are happy to offer further infortmations.
Britta Scherer
Telephone +49 (231) 9743-413

Our PhD program at GSofLog
Our PhD program at GSofLog
Your PhD in three years
The first year of the program offers the time for orientation, defining your specific research topic and first research work This first phase is completed with an intermediate examination and report. With successfully passing the examination your scholarship will be extended for two additional years.
In your second year, you will focus on working and concretizing your thesis. Hierfür ist die Teilnahme an der PhD School of Logistics (Summer School) vorgesehen. This includes being part of our widespread network, important base knowledge, framed with a direct and interdisciplinary exchange with other graduates as well as highly esteemed scientists, researching on the newest state of the art in logistics in an international environment. The summer school takes place yearly and we highly recommend you to be part of this unique opportunity at least once.
The third year is designated to complete the research work and put it into writing. After successfully passing the final examination, you will leave the GSofLog as a highly respected expert on the way to be a future leader.
Another element, which is associated with our PhD-program, is the graduation workshop, where you will have the chance to introduce your (intermediate) research results to an audience of some top-class scientists and corporate representatives and get valuable feedback. We suggest embracing this option yearly.
Structured PhD program
Individual PhD vs. Structured PhD Program
In Germany, there are two ways to get your PhD degree – either in an individual PhD program or in a structured PhD program. Our GSofLog offers the structured way of successfully achieving a PhD – implicating some essential benefits for our scholars. A close mentoring and support by our excellent team of experts and advisors, an offer of workshops as well as a specific dissertation topic you will work on individually. A close mentoring and support by our excellent team of experts and advisors, an offer of workshops as well as a specific dissertation topic you will work on individually. Our systematic and intensive mentoring usually leads to a successful graduation of our scholars within three to four years.
Currently there are more than 700 PhD programs offered in Germany. Many are sponsored by the “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” (DFG) as part of the “Exzellenzinitative” (graduation colleges). Furthermore, there are many PhD programs sponsored by the “Länder” (states) at the graduation colleges of non-university research institutes. However – there is no program comparable to the structured PhD program at the GSofLog.
Some programs provide students a financial support by offering a position at their university chair or a research institute, other programs – such as ours at GSofLog – assign scholarships. Within the GSofLog, scholarships are funded by economic sponsoring only. The sponsors support our PhD-students with a fixed monthly payment and provide a specific research topic with high practical relevance. The connected Universities and research institutes grant a work place and a mentoring program to complete a training that develops outstanding scholars to become future managers.
Experience reports
Summer school 2019: Experience report from Marina and Daniel, part 2
Im zweiten Teil des Erfahrungsberichts zur diesjährigen PhD School of Logistics berichten Marina und Daniel über ihre Einschätzungen zur zweiten Wochenhälfte. Auf der Agenda standen weiterhin die Live Case Study mit der Ergebnispräsentation und Vorträge sowie...
Summer school 2019: Experience report from Marina and Daniel, part 1
Die Graduate School of Logistics bietet jährlich eine Summer School für Promovierende an. Natürlich dürfen die Stipendiaten der GSofLog nicht fehlen. In diesem Jahr waren Marina und Daniel mit dabei. Was ihre Meinungen zu den einzelnen Workshops und Vorträgen sind und...
Experience report: Summer school network
Marvin Kastener und Sandra Kaczmarek im Interview zum Netzwerk der PhD School of Logistics. Im Jahr 2018 bot die Graduate School of Logistics zum dritten Mal die PhD School of Logistics – die Summer School der GSofLog – an. Marvin Kastner nahm als Promovend an der...