The Ten
Compact | Worth Knowing | Digital
The innovation ecosystem at the science location Dortmund is unique and was even awarded by the European Commission as Best European Digital Innovation Hub #DIH. As a mark of excellence for outstanding research and direct transfer of science into industrial practice, the Graduate School of Logistics, following its mission statement, presents current topics and trends in an application-oriented and compact way in “The Ten” with and by experts from our ecosystem. Whether agile methods, software development, modern management, artificial intelligence, blockchain, or funding programs – here you will be “lapped up”.
From the innovation ecosystem – expert contributions
10 Steps towards Purchasing 4.0
Every department and every area in the company is in demand for digitization. Many companies are currently considering increasing the degree of automation in purchasing. Processes should run completely autonomously. Blockchain technology with smart contracts or artificial intelligence can help here. In any case, data and secure data exchange…
10 Chances of German-Chinese Logistics Networks
Germany and China are among the world’s largest economic powers. They are competitors, but at the same time strategic partners. This applies not only to trade, but also, for example, in the field of research and innovation, where Germany’s traditional technological strength…
10 Reasons for cooperative Research and Development
There are numerous reasons why companies of all sizes should invest in research and development and why cooperation with research institutions and initiatives is particularly useful. We have summarized ten reasons.
10 Reasons for co-productions of industrial services
Digital linking is an important element in securing competitiveness in medium-sized mechanical and plant engineering companies. Complex machines and plants are linked with industrial services, such as maintenance or digital remote services…
10 Misconceptions from entrepreneurs
Some statements hold up vehemently. No wonder, because change always means effort and uncertainty. Humans are by nature sluggish and like regulated processes. That’s why the latest developments are often underestimated.
10 Dos – Communication for scientific Projects
It is not without reason that the Federal Minister of Education, Anja Karliczek, called last year for scientists to think about communicating their research project, methods and results from the very beginning.
10 challenges and chances: new business models
„If you’re not being disruptive consistently, someone else is going to beat you!“
Jay Farner, CEO of Quicken Loans
10 reasons why “agile” can go wrong
Agility is a buzzword on everyone’s lips. As a central feature of Industry 4.0 management in organizations, it describes the need for change to increase the flexibility of companies. In the future, companies should be able to act proactively, anticipatively and proactively.
10 Do’s & Don’ts of agile Software-development with complext business requirements
Software development has virtually invented agile projects. SCRUM, SCRUM masters and product owners are becoming increasingly important, and progress is planned, executed and tested in sprints. With today’s contribution in the series TheTen…
10 targets EURO-CHAIN – European Blockchain Institute NRW
With EURO-CHAIN, a new initiative to establish the European Blockchain Institute in North Rhine-Westphalia has been launched at the science location Dortmund. The project forms an important pillar on the way to a new economy – the Silicon Economy. The digital…
10 advantages of digital twins
Digital twins are virtual images of products, services or processes and play a crucial role for the factory of the future in several respects. Today, a digital twin is much more than a simple model – we are talking about…
10 reasons for circular economy during Covid
The Corona pandemic and the accompanying economic and social situation have created a changed dynamic that cuts across all industries and social classes. Despite the collapse of entire value chains, as well as numerous restrictions in the professional and private spheres…
10 Tipps for SMEs for financial support of digitalization projects
Today more than ever, the development of organizational and IT structures in the company and the further training of employees are supporting pillars of corporate success. However, as change or implementation projects, they often incur high costs and tie up valuable human resources.
Smart Maintenance during Covid
Smart maintenance describes the development of maintenance in the age of digitalization and Industry 4.0. In this context, smart maintenance deals with the strategic, tactical and operational management of industrial production facilities.
10 Do’s of Machine Learning based forecasts
Good demand forecasts are the basis for comprehensive supply chain planning and the resulting optimization of processes. The more accurate the forecasts, the lower the safety stock, depreciation and tied-up capital. With forecasting techniques…
10 Do’s for your Ramp-Up! – Manufacturing during Covid
Corona has brought some production lines or even entire productions to a standstill or severely restricted them. Delivery times have been extended or parts could not be ordered. Currently, many companies are ramping up their production again. What is in the warehouse, what is missing?
10 Aspects you should keep in mind while digitalizing business processes with ERP-systems
Enterprise resource planning systems (ERP systems) are ideal for planning and controlling business processes. In ERP systems, workflows can be simplified, improved and automated. In this way, costs and time can be saved. That’s the theory so far, because digitizing processes…
Ten Steps towards agile value creation
Corona threw us for a loop. The pandemic forced us to react quickly and adapt our processes, especially in manufacturing companies. So we reorganized ourselves in a very short time. Office life became home office, new shift schedules were created and in some cases…
10 Do’s and Don’ts before starting E-Commerce
E-commerce is booming in Germany – also in the business-to-business sector. Many companies are faced with the question of whether they should or even must expand their sales channels to include an online store. Getting started in e-commerce is…
Energy Efficiency – 10 potentials and challenges while designing manufacturing- and logistics networks
Energy and raw materials form the fundamental basis for the producing economy and for a consuming society. The competitiveness of manufacturing companies is closely linked to the availability of and demand for energy and raw materials. Declining reserves of fossil…
10 Do’s for demand forecasting in manufacturing companies
A sales forecast is the future expected number of products/services sold by a company within a certain period of time. Knowing today how much will be sold tomorrow is what every company wants. But sales planning is a complicated task.
10 advantages MVP – Go for it!
Markets are fast-moving. To remain competitive, an immediate response to customer needs is necessary. Long development phases for new products, business models or services give the competition a head start and create a major risk for the company.
10 Do’s and Don’ts for digital transformation in organisations
There is a lot to consider when it comes to digital transformation in organizations. We have summarized the ten most important aspects for you.
10 Steps: Develop Business Models
In her presentation in the series “Practice Meets Science”, Dr. Laura Reder showed a procedure model for the consistent development and verification of business models in interaction with the product development process. In the second part of the series “Ten”…
Social and PhD Community
10 Challenges – Staying motivated during the doctoral process
Motivation is one of the crucial points in the doctoral process. Not only one’s own attitude plays a role, but also external factors. There are mental ups and downs throughout the entire process. We have summarized ten challenges for you.
Doctorate with kids – 10 Tipps
As we have already shown in our articles, the doctorate is quite a challenging undertaking. Constant self-motivation and a structured approach are required. And if you’re also planning to have a child, you may find yourself with double or triple the workload.
10 Tipps for Ideation while writing your Dissertation
Ideation can also help in the context of a dissertation process. In the search for a suitable topic, an idea for a paper, or in the development of concrete research questions – many scenarios are conceivable. We have compiled ten tips for a suitable approach.
10 Don’ts of videoconferencing
After six weeks of isolation, home office and distance rule, the air is out. We sit statically in front of our computers and complete one video conference after another. We can’t change the initial situation for now, but at least we can optimize the circumstances.
10 crises during a doctorate
Today, in our editorial series “Ten”, you will find out which 10 crises doctoral candidates have to deal with in the course of their doctorate.
10 reasons why a PhD is an Advantage
We start with our editorial series “Ten”. In ten years, we have gathered a lot of experience and now share 10 tips, 10 hints, 10 do’s and don’ts with doctoral candidates, students, companies and interested parties. We start with “10 reasons: Why a PhD is an advantage”.
10 special doctorates
Finishing your thesis with 102 years of age? Or getting into academia with 79 years? The first PhD in engineering? We collected then inspiring (and partially unbelievable) stories for you.
10 Reasons – Why your home is the ideal place to write
Corona/COVID-19 has us in its grip. To avoid infection, even our PhD students stay at home. But that’s no reason not to work on your dissertation! We have prepared for you the 10 reasons why your home is the ideal place to write even though libraries, offices and cafes are closed.
10 facts on doctoral studies
Our editorial series “The Ten” continues. We have compiled a few facts and figures on the topic of doctoral studies for you from the Federal Report on Young Academics.