Graduate School of Logistics
The Graduate School of Logistics (GSofLog) offers a third-party funded Phd-Program. Our model is based on a unique concept throughout Germany. We invite you to learn more about us!
For future scholars
Are you interested in a Phd-programm at GSofLog? The current scholarship holders, experience reports and the application process – meet our scholars and learn how to become one of them!
For future sponsors
Do you want to support the qualification of future managers by linking your question with innovative and scientific solutions? Get more information and learn about your benefits!
New scholarship for PhD
Rock Your PhD with a Scholarship in the Graduate School of Logistics: Doing a doctorate in three years, working on issues from industrial practice and in a comprehensive scientific network? That's possible - with a scholarship from thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH...
News and events
PhD Winter School
The PhD School of Logistics is taking place for the 9th time this year. However, this year it is not being offered as a summer school, but as a winter school. From December 2 to 6, up to 40 doctoral students and 9 international scientists will dive deeper into the...
New scholarship for PhD
Rock Your PhD with a Scholarship in the Graduate School of Logistics: Doing a doctorate in three years, working on issues from industrial practice and in a comprehensive scientific network? That's possible - with a scholarship from thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH...
Unlocking Business Potential with Logistic Growth Modeling
Logistics Growth Modeling, Potential, Business, predict, S Curves, Statistics,Mathematics, Algorithm, Scenarios, Forecasting,
Summer School 2023
This year, the PhD School of Logistics, the summer school of the Graduate School of Logistics, will be offered from 26-29 June 2023. The focus is on the topic "Data-Driven Methods for Logistics". Following the mission statement of the Graduate School of Logistics, the...
Experience reports
Summer school 2019: Experience report from Marina and Daniel, part 2
Im zweiten Teil des Erfahrungsberichts zur diesjährigen PhD School of Logistics berichten Marina und Daniel über ihre Einschätzungen zur zweiten Wochenhälfte. Auf der Agenda standen weiterhin die Live Case Study mit der Ergebnispräsentation und Vorträge sowie...
Summer school 2019: Experience report from Marina and Daniel, part 1
Die Graduate School of Logistics bietet jährlich eine Summer School für Promovierende an. Natürlich dürfen die Stipendiaten der GSofLog nicht fehlen. In diesem Jahr waren Marina und Daniel mit dabei. Was ihre Meinungen zu den einzelnen Workshops und Vorträgen sind und...
Experience report: Summer school network
Marvin Kastener und Sandra Kaczmarek im Interview zum Netzwerk der PhD School of Logistics. Im Jahr 2018 bot die Graduate School of Logistics zum dritten Mal die PhD School of Logistics – die Summer School der GSofLog – an. Marvin Kastner nahm als Promovend an der...