by Britta Scherer | 29. June 2021 | News and events, The Ten
Ideation can also help in the context of a dissertation process. In the search for a suitable topic, an idea for a paper, or in the development of concrete research questions – many scenarios are conceivable. We have compiled ten tips for a suitable approach....
by Britta Scherer | 8. June 2021 | News and events
Production efficiency can be influenced by an effective maintenance strategy. Our new grantee Christina Bredebach therefore wants to address the question of what influence sustainability has on maintenance and how sustainability can also strengthen the resilience of...
by Britta Scherer | 4. August 2020 | News and events, The Ten
Motivation is one of the crucial points in the doctoral process. Not only one’s own attitude plays a role, but also external factors. There are mental ups and downs throughout the entire process. We have summarized ten challenges for you and give you a few tips...
by Britta Scherer | 8. June 2020 | News and events, The Ten
TheTen: 10 reasons why Circular Economy should replace linear value creation precisely because of the Corona crisis. The Corona pandemic and the accompanying economic and social situation have created a changed dynamic that cuts across all industries and social...
by Britta Scherer | 7. April 2020 | News and events, The Ten
A sales forecast is the future expected number of products/services sold by a company within a certain period of time. Knowing today how much will be sold tomorrow is what every company wants. But sales planning is a complicated task. Right off the bat – no one...