by Britta Scherer | 16. September 2021 | News and events, The Ten
There are numerous reasons why companies of all sizes should invest in research and development and why cooperation with research institutions and initiatives is particularly useful. We have summarized ten reasons. 1 Not a question but a must! Research and development...
by Britta Scherer | 8. June 2021 | News and events
Production efficiency can be influenced by an effective maintenance strategy. Our new grantee Christina Bredebach therefore wants to address the question of what influence sustainability has on maintenance and how sustainability can also strengthen the resilience of...
by Britta Scherer | 19. May 2021 | News and events
The German government’s clear goal is to spend 3.5 percent of gross domestic product on research and development by 2025. This target was already almost achieved in 2019. Of the 109.5 billion euros in total R&D spending in Germany in 2019, 75.6 billion (69%)...