GSofLog Blog

Unlocking Business Potential with Logistic Growth Modeling
Logistics Growth Modeling, Potential, Business, predict, S Curves, Statistics,Mathematics, Algorithm, Scenarios, Forecasting,

Forecasts: Better than an oracle
The desire to catch a glimpse of the future is probably as old as the awareness of time itself. For thousands of years, people have used a variety of methods to know today what will happen tomorrow. One example is Alexander the Great, who sought out the Oracle of...

A new supply chain management is needed
Three years ago, no one would have imagined that today we would not be able to use our car for two weeks because the spare part is not available. No one would have thought that in this age of digitization, supermarket store shelves would be empty. Logistics has moved...
Glossary Innovation Ecosystem

Knowledge Nugget #37: Metaverse
Metaverse is a kombination of the words meta and universe. Meta loosely translated stands for the next level/the next dimension and universe for the totality of space, time, matter and energy. But in fact, this is not an astrophysical concept, but the future of the...

Knowledge Nugget #33: Sustainability
What does sustainability even mean in times of digital change? The fact, there are many definitions, numerous discussions, and the world probably agrees that we will not come to a consensus on this topic. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were published back in...

Knowledge Nugget #32: Forecasting
Forecastings or prognoses are nothing else than predictions on certain target variables, other operationally relevant influencing variables or economic variables to improve planning. These are based on past and current data that are methodically analyzed and linked....

TheTen: 10 Reasons for cooperative Research and Development
There are numerous reasons why companies of all sizes should invest in research and development and why cooperation with research institutions and initiatives is particularly useful. We have summarized ten reasons. 1 Not a question but a must! Research and development...

TheTen: 10 Tipps for Ideation while writing your Dissertation
Ideation can also help in the context of a dissertation process. In the search for a suitable topic, an idea for a paper, or in the development of concrete research questions - many scenarios are conceivable. We have compiled ten tips for a suitable approach....

TheTen: Doctorate with kids – 10 Tipps
As we have already shown in our articles, the doctorate is quite a challenging undertaking. Constant self-motivation and a structured approach are required. And if you're also planning to have a child, you may find yourself with double or triple the workload. Our ten...