What to expect
Program & Topics

PhD School of Logistics 2023
Summer School on Data-Driven Methods for Logistics
June 26-29, 2023
Data is the foundation of our digitalised future. It is necessary for forecastings, analyses, optimisations, for self-learning systems, autonomous robots and much more. But what do we need to ensure the necessary data quality and quantity and how do analysis processes work? Together we will find out! In this year’s Summer School, we will focus on methods for managing and analysing data in logistics.
Data management is the set of all methodical, conceptual, organisational and technical measures and procedures for handling data. If a corresponding data culture and data governance have been successfully implemented, an essential step towards exploiting the maximum potential of data in the business process is guaranteed.
Then it’s time for programming. Statistical methods, machine learning approaches and artificial intelligence algorithms are needed to analyse data correctly. That’s why we programme together. Those who want to take part in the Summer School should definitely bring a computer and some experience in Python or R wouldn’t be too bad either.
Theory becomes practice – in our Live Case Study in cooperation with BG.evolution (Beumer Group). Based on concrete company data and in interdisciplinary teams, you will create a solution concept for a real-life industrial problem. You can apply all the methods you have learned directly. The goal is obvious: Get first place and with it the main prize.
In addition, we offer an extensive accompanying programme for networking and building a PhD network. Get to know the other participants at the get-together, get to know the Dortmund Innovation Ecosystem for Logistics & IT at the BBQ and celebrate together at the TU Dortmund University Summer Festival with live music.
- You are a PhD student in statistics, logistics or in related fields (computer science, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, business administration, Data Science, …)
- You want to learn from international scientists.
- You want to be a member of an important Data and Logistics network.
- You are interested in a program with scientific and practical aspects.
This year’s Summer School on Data-Driven Methods for Logistics is offered in cooperation with the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security and the Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Click to zoom.
- Classification and Prediction
- Data-Driven Methods in Applied Logistics — Practical Examples
- Multi-Objective Hyper-Parameter Optimization
- Some Aspects of Machine Learning
- Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
- Data Management
- Data Govenance
Professional responsibility and host: Prof. Dr. Markus Pauly, Statistician, TU Dortmund University
- Dr. Burim Ramosaj, Google, Zurich, Switzerland
- Dr. Natalie Gentner, Senior Engineering Data Scientist, Infineon Technologies AG
- Dr. Phillipp Tepel, Head of AI & Data, Vorwerk Digital R&D
- Dr. Daniel Horn, Data Scientists, TU Dortmund University
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Hellingrath, University of Munster
- Felix Fesca, Economertrics, TU Dortmund University
- and many more

This year, the BEUMER Group and the BG.evolution team are sponsors of the Live Case Study and share an exciting challenge from the industry with us.
Spoiler: the case study will deal with customer service of the future and spare parts management. Of course, there is data to analyse.
In keeping with our tradition, you will develop a solution concept in interdisciplinary teams and pitch your results to the company afterwards. It’s amazing every year how much creativity and innovation can be found in interdisciplinary teams and what completely new approaches to solutions are developed.
Our Summer School mascot was introduced and our participants found a name with the help of ChatGPT: Hutbert.
Your registration is binding. The participation fee is 490 Euro (+VAT). You will receive an invoice after event.
For any further questions don’t hesitate to contact phdschool@gsoflog.de.
Please let us know your motivation for participating (2.000 characters in registration form). We will check your registration and will inform you about your admission by email.
There is no other science location that has been doing more for logistics than Dortmund: here, logistics was founded as an independent scientific discipline, here terms like digitization, logistics 4.0, industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things were significantly formed for logistics and here concepts and methods for the future of entrepreneurial practice are developed.
We are shaping logistics as key science of the industrial future by strengthening logistics research at the interface between logistics and IT. We create exciting perspectives for scientists who are interested in established methods and methods of logistics research.
Welcome in a region that already impressively demonstrated that it is capable of structural change and in an environment that benefits from its proximity to Germany’s best logistics research institutions.
The Summer School will take place from June 26-29, 2023 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Dortmund, Germany.
Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4
44227 Dortmund, Germany
Suggestions for accommodations
TRYP Dortmund Hotel
Emil-Figge Strasse 41
44227 Dortmund
(15 minutes walk to event location)
Steigenberger Dortmund
Berswordtstraße 2
44139 Dortmund
(Close to the “Kreuzviertel” – a district with many bars and restaurants)
How to arrive?
By plane
Dortmund offers good train connections to major German cities. If you travel by plane, you might directly fly to Dortmund from some European cities. Often flying to Düsseldorf Airport will be the most convenient choice. Düsseldorf International Airport is only 0.45 hours from Dortmund Main Station. Finally, Frankfurt Airport could be reached by train within 2.12 hours.
To get from Dortmund Airport to campus, you may take the “AirportExpress” bus which takes you directly to Dortmund Central Station within 20 minutes of time. At Central Station go to platform 7 and take the S1 (in direction Solingen Hbf). Get off at “Dortmund Universität” station. For more information press here.
If you plan to get to campus from Düsseldorf Airport, you may take the S-Bahn (S1, direction: “Dortmund Hauptbahnhof”) which takes you to “Dortmund Universität” station directly within 1.10 hours of time. It usually departs from platform 5.
By car
To get to Fraunhofer IML by car on the A45, take the exit ‚Eichlinghofen/Universiät‘. Stay on the road Universitätsstrasse, drive eastward and follow the direction sign to‚ Technologiepark/Universität‘. After passing an intersection with traffic lights take the first turn left. The street that you are on now is called Hauert. Follow the street until you come to the second road intersection with traffic lights – turn right. Now you are on Emil-Figge-Strasse. The institute is on the left side of the road.
You will find parking lots behind the institute. Please follow the sign “Einfahrt 2” in Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße. The main entrance of the institute is signposted.

This year’s topics:
- What does New Supply Chain Management look like?
- Data Analytics for more Transparency
- Forecasting for more Flexibility in Supply Chains
- Sustainability in Supply Chains and Global Networks
- Platforms as Enabler for new Supply Chain Management
- Blockchain as Key-Technology
- Open Source for Digital Sovereignty
- Live Case Study: Shaping a New, Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chain with Open Source
- …
The program items are currently being finalized. Changes in the schedule are possible.
In terms of new supply chains, transparency plays a major role. This requires large amounts of data, which are processed using statistical analysis methods. Simulations and digital twins help to set up forecasts, if-then scenarios and real-time analysis of new crises. In the new global and regional supply chains, everything is built on diversification of partners. But these can only come together through platforms, and blockchain technology helps with certification, payment processes, and end-to-end transparency across the supply chain. Then, to actually get into implementation, you need open source – accessible, neutral and customizable software and hardware components that are adaptable to individual needs. Based on this structured approach to building new supply chains, the agenda for this year’s Summer School is built.
Live Case Study
In line with the concept of the Graduate School of Logistics, the theoretical knowledge gained is then tested directly on a concrete practical example. In the live case study, four interdisciplinary teams each develop a solution concept based on supply chain data from one company. We are pleased that we could win the Open Logistics Foundation as a cooperation partner. In addition to replanning a supply chain, the focus is then also on the question of which open source components will be needed in the future to enable corporate networks to make their supply chains resilient and sustainable. The best team will be awarded during the Summer School. However, the remaining teams will not go without a reward and will receive a consolation prize.

The number of participants is limited to 20 persons.
We adhere to the current Corona regulations of the venue. All participants must provide proof of their vaccination status prior to admission.
Here applies in the sense of the NRW Ministry of Health: Admission or participation only for vaccinated and recovered, who must be additionally tested (every day) or „boosted“ (third vaccination).
For all participants applies: At the beginning of the Summer School, we ask all participants to provide proof of a negative Corona test.
For this purpose, you will find a test station on the campus of the TU Dortmund University. It is located in the refectory building at Vogelpothsweg 85 in the premises of the „Vital“ restaurant and is accessible via the parking level. Another test center is located in the Top Tagungszentrum at Emil-Figge-Straße 43 (bus stop REFA Center).
If you are boosted, further instructions apply
During the Summer School we recommend further regular tests for your own protection and for the protection of the other participants. For Wednesday and Friday we will provide self-tests. Please test yourself on these days before entering the venue.
A FFP-2 mask must be worn throughout the event.
Your registration is binding!
The participation fee is 450 Euro (+VAT). You will receive an invoice after the event.
For any further questions don’t hesitate to contact phdschool@gsoflog.de.
Register here
Please let us know your motivation for participating (2.000 characters in registration form). We will check your registration and will inform you about your admission by email.
No registration possible. The event took place in July 2022.
Doctoral students who actively participate in all formats will receive a certificate of successful participation in the Summer School upon completion of the Summer School and payment of the fee for expenses.

Every minute in Dortmund is worth it. Definitely!
There is no other science location that has been doing more for logistics than Dortmund: here, logistics was founded as an independent scientific discipline, here terms like digitization, logistics 4.0, industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things were significantly formed for logistics and here concepts and methods for the future of entrepreneurial practice are developed.
We are shaping logistics as key science of the industrial future by strengthening logistics research at the interface between logistics and IT. We create exciting perspectives for scientists who are interested in established methods and methods of logistics research.
Welcome in a region that already impressively demonstrated that it is capable of structural change and in an environment that benefits from its proximity to Germany’s best logistics research institutions.
The Summer School will take place from July4-8, 2022 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Dortmund, Germany.
Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4
44227 Dortmund, Germany
Suggestions for accommodations
TRYP Dortmund Hotel
Emil-Figge Strasse 41
44227 Dortmund
(15 minutes walk to event location)
Steigenberger Dortmund
Berswordtstraße 2
44139 Dortmund
(Close to the “Kreuzviertel” – a district with many bars and restaurants)
How to arrive?
By plane
Dortmund offers good train connections to major German cities. If you travel by plane, you might directly fly to Dortmund from some European cities. Often flying to Düsseldorf Airport will be the most convenient choice. Düsseldorf International Airport is only 0.45 hours from Dortmund Main Station. Finally, Frankfurt Airport could be reached by train within 2.12 hours.
To get from Dortmund Airport to campus, you may take the “AirportExpress” bus which takes you directly to Dortmund Central Station within 20 minutes of time. At Central Station go to platform 7 and take the S1 (in direction Solingen Hbf). Get off at “Dortmund Universität” station. For more information press here.
If you plan to get to campus from Düsseldorf Airport, you may take the S-Bahn (S1, direction: “Dortmund Hauptbahnhof”) which takes you to “Dortmund Universität” station directly within 1.10 hours of time. It usually departs from platform 5.
By car
To get to Fraunhofer IML by car on the A45, take the exit ‚Eichlinghofen/Universiät‘. Stay on the road Universitätsstrasse, drive eastward and follow the direction sign to‚ Technologiepark/Universität‘. After passing an intersection with traffic lights take the first turn left. The street that you are on now is called Hauert. Follow the street until you come to the second road intersection with traffic lights – turn right. Now you are on Emil-Figge-Strasse. The institute is on the left side of the road.
You will find parking lots behind the institute. Please follow the sign “Einfahrt 2” in Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße. The main entrance of the institute is signposted.

Sponsoring Packages
In different ways you can support the unique summer school in Dortmund and at the same time present your company to an exclusive and talented group of participants. Here are our sponsorship packages for you.
Live Case Study in Cooperation with your Company
Your company has the opportunity to design the Live Case Study with a current issue. In a case study, four to five interdisciplinary and international teams each develop a solution concept within 1.5 days and present it during the Summer School. The best solution will be awarded a prize. The winning team will receive special prizes matching the case and the other teams will receive consolation prizes.
You will have the opportunity to present your company to the participants, display current job offers and have a personal exchange with the participants at the Conference Dinner. The company logo will be carried along during the advertising for the event. Following the Summer School, a best practice will be published. The company can provide merchandise for the case development.
5.000 Euro
Conference Dinner
The Conference Dinner offers the opportunity to expand one’s network in a convivial setting, to get to know the participants outside of the event program and to conduct professional discussions. A three-course menu with drinks is offered in a location in Dortmund. You are welcome to come to this event with two people, to exchange ideas with scientists, practitioners and doctoral candidates and to represent your company. In addition, we will identify your company as a sponsor of the event via table cards with your logo.
2.000 Euro
At the get-together, the participants of the Summer School get to know each other after the first workshops and lectures with Figerfood and a drink. You will be identified as a sponsor of the get-together via signs and roll-ups and will have the opportunity to display your information material and give-aways.
800 Euro
Coffee Breaks
Show presence through your company logo for consumption on brownies, for example, and remain in lasting memory. Your logo will be provided by you, the order and presentation will be done by the organization team.
300 Euro
Main Sponsor
We will feature your company logo on the event website, the Summer School roll-ups, on the digital flyers (international advertising) and in the printed program. In addition, you will have the opportunity to display your company’s information brochures during the event and distribute them to all participants (including giveaways) via a welcome package. The information materials and promotional gifts will be provided by you. The organization team will be responsible for putting together the folder and displaying it during the event.
2.500 Euro
If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact our coordinator:
Britta Scherer | britta.scherer@tu-dortmund.de | +49 231 9743 413