Trends and Digitalization in Supply Chain Management
On the Way to the Digital Twin
PhD School of Logistics 2020
June 15-19, 2020
Fraunhofer IML | Dortmund | Germany

Important change due to COVID-19
Due to the current situation around COVID-19, this year’s PhD School of Logistics will not take place as planned. A Summer School lives on exchange and the participants benefit from the development of an international network. These essential elements get lost in a digital Summer School.
To make sure that you can still enjoy an exciting summer around the topic of Digital Twin and complement your research with elementary technical and methodological knowledge, we offer you a substitute program: PhD Summer Webinar Weeks
One Week – One Topic – Endless Opportunities
Participants from different countries and disciplines, international scientists and experts from Fraunhofer IML work together intensively for one week. Theory becomes practice. This year’s Summer School of the Graduate School of Logistics will take place from June 15-19, 2020 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics in Dortmund. It is an element of the Digital Transfer Week Dortmund and offers many opportunities for networking and collaboration.
Following the mission statement of the Graduate School of Logistics, the program provides a balanced mix of theoretical foundations and practical implementation. In addition to keynotes, we offer hands-on workshops in the laboratories of Fraunhofer IML and a Live Case Study in a company. You will act in interdisciplinary groups, create new ideas and work on concrete examples from the business world.

What to expect?
In our integrated live case study we build a digital twin based on real data of a company. Our method school teaches you all the necessary basics for a successful realization in your team. Together with your interdisciplinary and international team you can win the challenge. The results will be presented at the Transfer.Festival 2020 on June 16, 2020.
For PhD students
- You are a PhD student in logistics or in related fields (computer science, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, business administration, Statistics, …)
- You want to learn from international scientists.You want to be a member of an important logistics network.
- You are interested in a program with scientific and practical aspects.
Be part of the PhD School of Logistics!

This year’s summer school is integrated into the Digital Transfer Week Dortmund. Participants will be part of the Transfer.Festival 2020 (June, 16), the International Open.Hub Day (June, 17) and Germany’s Digital Day with a Blockchain Event at Fraunhofer IML. You have a lot of opportunities for networking and cooperation with national and international guest, professors, scientists and company representatives.
- Technical Logistics
- Systems in SCM
- Optimization in SCM
- Blockchain
- Digital Twin (Live Case Study)
Be part of the PhD School of Logistics!

Register here
The number of participants is limited to 30 persons. Please let us know your motivation for participating (2.000 characters in registration form). We will check your registration and will inform you about your admission by email.
Your registration is binding!
The participation fee is 450 Euro (+VAT). You will receive an invoice after the event.
For any further questions don’t hesitate to contact phdschool@gsoflog.de.

Every minute in Dortmund is worth it. Definitely!
There is no other science location that has been doing more for logistics than Dortmund: here, logistics was founded as an independent scientific discipline, here terms like digitization, logistics 4.0, industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things were significantly formed for logistics and here concepts and methods for the future of entrepreneurial practice are developed.
We are shaping logistics as key science of the industrial future by strengthening logistics research at the interface between logistics and IT. We create exciting perspectives for scientists who are interested in established methods and methods of logistics research.
Welcome in a region that already impressively demonstrated that it is capable of structural change and in an environment that benefits from its proximity to Germany’s best logistics research institutions.
The Summer School will take place from June 15-19, 2020 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, Dortmund, Germany.
Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4
44227 Dortmund, Germany
Suggestions for accommodations
TRYP Dortmund Hotel
Emil-Figge Strasse 41
44227 Dortmund
(15 minutes walk to event location)
Steigenberger Dortmund
Berswordtstraße 2
44139 Dortmund
(Close to the “Kreuzviertel” – a district with many bars and restaurants)
How to arrive?
By plane
Dortmund offers good train connections to major German cities. If you travel by plane, you might directly fly to Dortmund from some European cities. Often flying to Düsseldorf Airport will be the most convenient choice. Düsseldorf International Airport is only 0.45 hours from Dortmund Main Station. Finally, Frankfurt Airport could be reached by train within 2.12 hours.
To get from Dortmund Airport to campus, you may take the “AirportExpress” bus which takes you directly to Dortmund Central Station within 20 minutes of time. At Central Station go to platform 7 and take the S1 (in direction Solingen Hbf). Get off at “Dortmund Universität” station. For more information press here.
If you plan to get to campus from Düsseldorf Airport, you may take the S-Bahn (S1, direction: “Dortmund Hauptbahnhof”) which takes you to “Dortmund Universität” station directly within 1.10 hours of time. It usually departs from platform 5.
By car
To get to Fraunhofer IML by car on the A45, take the exit ‚Eichlinghofen/Universiät‘. Stay on the road Universitätsstrasse, drive eastward and follow the direction sign to‚ Technologiepark/Universität‘. After passing an intersection with traffic lights take the first turn left. The street that you are on now is called Hauert. Follow the street until you come to the second road intersection with traffic lights – turn right. Now you are on Emil-Figge-Strasse. The institute is on the left side of the road.
You will find parking lots behind the institute. Please follow the sign “Einfahrt 2” in Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße. The main entrance of the institute is signposted.

Meet future managers and logistics experts
Since 2016, the Graduate School of Logistics (GSofLog) has been offering a summer school for GSofLog scholarship holders and doctoral students of logistics and related disciplines worldwide.
The Summer School is an international program with international, top-class lecturers and workshop leaders from the scientific community. True to the GSofLog principle, science and business practice merge here in a one-week programme. Expert knowledge is imparted and tested directly in practical and application-oriented workshops. This practical offer is unique and forms the unique selling point of the GSofLog Summer School.
As a company you have the opportunity to become a sponsor of the PhD School of Logistics. Present yourself as a potential employer and cooperation partner, expand your network with the managers and logistics experts of the future and benefit from an excellent presence and visibility of your company at our event.
The PhD School of Logistics will take place from July 8-12, 2019 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML. Here GSofLog has a representative lecture room and a direct connection to laboratories, test centres and demonstrators.
You are interested in sponsoring PhD School of Logistics 2019? Our coordinator will be pleased to answer further questions.
Britta Scherer
Coordinator GSofLog
Mail: scherer@gsoflog.de
Phone: +49 (0)231 97 43 413