PhD Summer Weeks
Within the next five years there will be billions of things represented by digital twins. These representatives of the physical world will lead to new possibilities for collaboration between experts of the physical world and data scientists. Digital twins are strong thought leaders who drive innovation and performance.
Digital Twin technology helps companies improve the customer experience through a better understanding of customer needs, develop improvements to existing products, processes and services and can even help drive innovation in new business models.
That’s why we are focusing on this topic in this year’s PhD Summer Weeks.


June 15, 2020 - 10-11 am
Digital Lecture
Digital Twins in Logistics and Supply Chain Management – An Introduction
Prof. Michael Henke
TU Dortmund University | Fraunhofer IML

June 15, 2020 | 1-3 pm
Digital Workshop
How to Design a Digital Twin
Hendrik van der Valk, Hendrik Haße
Center of Excellence Logistics and IT

June 17, 2020 | 10-11 am
Digital Lecture
Silicon Economy and DIH Dortmund
Prof. Michael ten Hompel
TU Dortmund University | Fraunhofer IML

June 23, 2020 | 10-12 am
Digital Workshop
Circular Economy & Digital Twins
Prof. Uwe Clausen
TU Dortmund University | Fraunhofer IML

June 25, 2020 | 10-11 am
Digital Workshop
Simulation Technologies and their Applications in Material Flow Planning:
Simulation to Support Optimization Tasks in Supply Chain Design and Management
Prof. Markus Rabe
TU Dortmund University
Participation in the individual lectures is free of charge, but we ask for a binding registration. Please write an email to scherer@gsoflog.de.
Subject: Name of event/lecture
A certificate can be issued for participation in the complete programme. For this a service charge of 30 Euro is due. In this case, participation in all digital events mentioned is required (indicate ECTS). A binding registration until June 12, 2020 is possible via this form. **Registration is no longer possible.**

Digital Transfer Weeks
The PhD Summer Webinar Weeks are part of the Digital Tansfer Weeks of the Best European Innovation Ecosystem (DIH).
Dortmund is one of the best places for logistics and innovation. Dortmund is where the internet of things was invented and the Silicon Economy was launched.
More than 22 webinars, online lectures, digital workshops, talks and virutell Lab-Tours are waiting of you. Get more insights!